Just updating for the week
Well, another week has come to update my blog .. Alot more had happened this week ..
Errr.. it's kinda long if i mention every details of every events so i'll make it as short as possible and let the photos do the talking ^^ ..
Anyway .. let's start off with the warm family in school, which is my dear own class .. Every class has their own specialty .. For mine.. When it comes to crazyiness and vanity, 5s5 is the one with all that .. Other than that, my class is also a place for couples to pakto .. lol .. My class is also for hungry ppl who eats in class .. For some emo ppl, my class is used as a place to style our hair .. WOAh .. like a saloon going on in the class huh? and err .. not to forget the condolence part which let us respect our beloved classmate (just like in the newspaper.. hehe) .. lol .. Of cuz, we cannot exclude the king & queen in the class .. LOL ^^ .. What a warm, friendly, open-minded, perverted, mature, childish and full of sunshineness which dont expose ultraviolet rays my class is .. It is rated as healthy for teens and also sometimes mental sickness which is bad ..haha .. Ok.. now for the pics time ..
5s5 2009
5s5 2009
On the last day of prefect duty
Condolence (Ivan Poong)
Condolence (Gabriel Tay)
Couples pakto
Sekia eat in class
Saloon in class
Saloon in class
Saloon in class
Emo ppl who style his hair
What's that truck doing over there?
Warm family
Warm family
King and Queen
Friendly ppl
Act cute / Act sad / Act cool
Hmmm ... other than that, last night i went to the japanese restaurant at .. err.. opposite Chung Hua No. 5 .. well, went there since everyone lazy to cook .. so yeah .. and my bro wanted to eat japanese food since so long havent eaten it yet .. haha.. Well, i didn't expect that the place was crowded at that particular moment since everytime i went there no ppl 1 .. So was totally surprised .. Anyway .. these are the dishes that were ordered ..
Bird Egg
Grilled fish? forgot the japanese name
Tempura !! YUM YUM
Let's start off with today .. Today, i went to the Swinburne Info Day also known as Experience Swinburne In One Day (ESIOP) program .. I followed gabriel to the Lecture Theatre ..
Inside the Lecture Theatre
Kenneth with his ghostly arm
The 1st thing i didn't expect is that all of us were arranged in groups and they choose the workshop that we're going to attend for .. instead of choosing which workshop we wanted to attend .. So, all the greenians ended up spliting in groups of 5-6 in every group since there are total of 40 greenians who attended the program .. Other than that, there were also Lodge school, Kuching High, Arang Road, Batu Lintang students who attended the program .. And so .. i was assigned to group D and the workshops for the day are ' Constructing Electronics Circuit Virtually ' and ' LEGO bumper car ' .. There was also lunch break & student carnival in the MPH (multi-purpose hall) .. The 1st workshop was ok i guess.. didn't know how to do the practical work only..haha.. so only online abit to see who's online ...
Waves in AC circuit
After that, there was a tour on the Biotechnology lab .. The lab equipments were so cool and nothing like we have seen in our school lab .. =.= .. Alot difference .. I get to see some equipments including a ' open shower ' ?? .. haha.. actually that 1 serves as the emergency shower unit which washes off the acids if u were splashed by it .. And also there are fungus in growing process which is kinda nice to see.
Biotechnology lab (7th floor)
Biotechnology lab (7th floor)
Biotechnology lab (6th floor)
Shaking Incubator
Fridge? forgot the name already
No idea of the name
Fungus in some sort of culture
Care for an open shower, anyone?
After that long morning, we went to the library to check it out .. Well, can say that the library quite nice .. Went to the MPH after that to get our food .. Unfortunately, i lost my food coupon .. But luckily, they say it's ok to give me 1 pack of food ... ^^ .. While eating my food, there was also Mini Student Carnival for everyone to enjoy .. There was wushu, judo, mixed dancing, african dance and vocals ..
African dancers
Mixed dancing
Shinny rapper
Closing ceremony of student carnival
While waiting for the time to pass by, me and gabriel decided to kai kai around the campus .. Well, i'd spent some time to find the open lab to use the internet there freely without any need to enter student id .. ^^ .. The internet was extreamely fast but unfortunately i didn't bring the phone usb cable so can't upload the pics and also update my blog... Saw a group of ppl come in the open lab to play CS ... Time passes as a blink of an eye.. Went back to the MPH to meet up .. And of cuz wait for those who went to the spring to kill time to come back.. Also visited the gym .. Law Heng Chuan officially WEIGHTS 130 kg.. LOL .. he's the one who makes the BOMBA LIFT overload ..
So continued to the room with LEGO robots ^^ .. They showed us abit about programming and gave us a question involving the Interactive C programming to program the robot .. Me and Kenneth teamed up and everything went smoothly .. We are proud of our work ..lol.. Although our lego robot was seriously bashed during the bumping session, we get our 2nd prize to finish the question .. took a group pic in the end .. And so the workshop ended just like that ..
My souvenir
LEGO fan
Another vain guy

Group D
Meet up back at the Lecture Theatre again for the closing ceremony and take our certificate of attendance .. It was raining awfully heavy .. B4 everything ended, a group photo of everyone present who are involved in the program was taken by them ..
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