Dinner at Koreana
Well, last saturday, my mum decided that we all eat outside .. So, we went to a korean restaurant called Koreana located at Premier 101 ..

| at 5:02 AM
Well, last saturday, my mum decided that we all eat outside .. So, we went to a korean restaurant called Koreana located at Premier 101 ..
| at 5:56 AM
Alright , time to update the blog .. First of all, there was raining cats and dogs on tuesday evening .. The wind was superbly STRONG .. just like a hurricane but weaker .. And the rain lasted for 1 hour.. Well, the reason for that rain was that it hadn't been raining for a few days.. So it's a good thing that it rained on that day ..
IF I WERE THE BOSSIf I were the boss
*mornin boss how r u? bagus bagus...*
Even just for a day
*one chance only u know..what will u do ar? tats y im tellin u la..wait la..*
I would change the station name from Hitz to Radio Ean and JJ
*tats a nice ring to it.. tats y, just for u bro..*
If I were the boss
*wat will uuuuu do?*
Work will start on Tuesday
*wat do u think? i like i like, Wednesday also can*
We will end the week on Thursday and everyday will be halfday
*maybe 2hrs onli..better*
If I were the boss
I think I could understand
How it feels to work on budget
And give a raise of 20cent
Hang out with the girls
*babe apa khabar?..bagus~*
And be hard on the guys
*sori ar brother..have to la, cari makan*
Might dispatch me riding Harleys
Our trips will be to Bali
If we bankrupt I will break down and cry
If I were the boss
I'll come up with a plan
*check it out ar..ehem ehem*
Make everyone do all the work
Take the credit and look like the man
*wah banyak handal ar u..thank u thank u*
If I were the boss
My lunch break would be 2days
*wah so long ar..yala then onli enuf time to eat*
I have PS3 in my room 200inch LCD and play all day
My way..JJ
If I were the boss
I think I could understand
How it feels to work on budget
And give a raise of 20cent
Hang out with the girls
*u looking very pretty today, naik gaji*
And be hard on the guys
*hey she looks pretty ok u do all her work..nonsense*
Might dispatch me riding Harleys
Our trips will be to Bali
If we bankrupt I wil break down and cry
Cause I will always come in late
Just to show who I'm
And if I was a girl I wil make them all call me Ma'am
*mornin Ma'am*
If you thought I would be nicer
Then you thought it wrong~
*adui sakit..tarikla sikit*
But we are not the boss
*i knw tis sadly..haih...*
So we cannot cuti....cannot cuti..
Come to office really early
To try to make some money
So we can open stall jual nasi
*goreng, pattaya, kandar, lemak, wat else ar? ah..dagang.. so now wat do we do? i dunno..wait for the song to finish la cuz we r not the boss.. o yea...tunggu boss cakap la..boss..boss..okok thank u...ok bye boss..*
| at 2:22 AM
Practically, today was pretty messed up in class.. Anuway, before the messy part began.. We all were inside the chemistry lab and we did experiments .. The results were quite cool so i snapped some pics along the way ..
| at 5:01 AM
Before going to the main topic for today, i would like to talk abit about last night .. Last night i went to star cineplex for the Harry Potter premier which was sold by our school prefectorial board .. It was a free movie for me since my ' sis ' chia me to go to accompany her but in the end didn't really accopanied her .. sorry arr.. lol .. XD .. Ended up sitting right beside Derek .. How lucky .. I thought i'm gonna sit alone during the whole movie .. So the movie was not really finished and there will gonna be another 2 harry potter movies coming out said by Bryan .. This part only showed where Professor Dumbledore died in the end which was pretty sad .. No more old man in the movie .. Well, it was at least ALOT BETTER than the previous harry potter movie .. WAY TO GO !!!.. Everyone loves magic.. Like myself and this blog.. are part of magic to everyone ..
| at 7:09 AM
Today went to piano lesson as usual and i saw the music sheet for To Zanarkand on my friend's place .. so i just wanna share it with u all especially final fantasy music sheets collector ..
| at 4:10 AM
Well, first of all, the previous friday, ppl came to my class to mount the doors which was missing since this early year .. The thing that was kinda awkward to see was they remove the door along with the door frame and windows.. It gave us a big doorway to come into our class .. Also a place to put a big LCD screen .. lol ..