The story of Yesterday
Yesterday there was a choir camp held at Damai Beach Resort. Everyone that was participating this camp was excited especially the seniors ^^ .. No offense.. Most of us decided not to sleep during the 1 night camp .. The story starts here :
11.00 am- Everyone gathered at school canteen bench area (the place is full of people and bags) .. haha... the morning was hot and most probably (OMG, where's the bus?) ... lol.. Well, as expected, Yung Hung was the last 1 to arrive there with BAGS of JUNK FOOD!!! (omg?..more junk food =_=) .. Miss Sarah told us that its better not to go to the sea cause of the rumour spreading across the net that there'll be tsunami (zZzz... is that even real?) ..
SOON...the bus arrived and parked outside (only noticed by Chee Xiung) .. Thanks to him that we notice the bus when he kept shouting THE BUS IS HERE!! (yipee!! the bus, FINALLY) ... However, things went totally opposite when we enter the bus cause ITS SO FREAKING HOT AND STUFFY INSIDE!! ... Well, other than that, when the bus driver starts the engine...THE AIR COND EMITS HOT AIR (wtf?) .. ok ... i was sitting next to LJH (Bell's bro) .. and most of the girls were sitting behind... During the trip to there, the girls that were sitting behind the bus sang HIGHLY (swt, very sia soi the choir club cuz zhao sia) and tell some weird jokes .. Anyways, they all had fun doing that..haha..
After a long trip. there goes the sign D A M A I
The moment arrived as we step foot on land.. Room leaders and their assistant went to the lobby to get the hotel card.. and so... we went to the Hilltop area through the shuttle bus ... I with the camp papa which is Ah Ming (Samuel Toh) and my roomates which is Yung Hung and Brian Kong put our bags in da room... AND free time till 2.00 pm ..SWT...
To spend my time usefully , i walked around with LJH and went to the pool with Yung Hung cuz Chee Xiung wanna have a quick swim b4 meeting up at the tennis court .. tick tock tick tock ... After 2, everyone walked down the SICKENING Stairs to the beach ... The stairs was like SO TALL & the steps WERE SMALL .. Everyone walked down slowly .. When we all met at the court.. the gang of guys were already shooting basketballs .. Well.. guess what?.. the camp was so not planned then everyone had free time until 4.30pm .. (that is lame) ... So, the soon-to-be Birthday girl, jemimah, and the ROUGH-est girl ever,Melissa, wanted to have a team match ..
And so, things ended up with the left corner (CHOIR T-Shirt & No slippers) vs the right corner (NO CHOIR T-Shirt & With Slippers) .. that match was like so uniformly involved..WOW..haha..
Ah Ming just likes to play half-nakedly..haha
B4 they finish playing, I decided to take a walk .. and I saw just a nice view =)
<-- This is the what i call "Smilley"
And also the afternoon was very hot
Oops ... My finger covered the top left ..haha
When its 4.30 pm , we gathered at the same place again and talked about dinner plans.. So, i decided to follow with LJH along with Bell, Shoo Ling (sorry if i spell wrong ur name..haha) and Crystal .. B4 dinner, we went for a swim at the Hilltop Swimming Pool ..
Nice le?... Got waterfall for meditation.. LOL
After the swim, I wrapped my phone and wallet with my dry shirt cuz i'm so soaked .. SUDDENLY, right when i grab my shirt up , my phone FELL on the floor ..SIM TIA ARR.. so i quicky picked it up and went back to the room .. XD .. It was then i found out that my phone's screen spoil .. So, I tested if my phone can use or not by taking a pic .. So i took this pic..
o.O ... LJH at bottom right..
I saw the sky from the hotel and then went to the beach to take the pic of the sunset even though i cannot see what i have taken ..
And so..the 4 of us met up at 7.00 pm at the shuttle bus waiting place to send us down to the cafe at the resort .. There goes the full moon which was nice and stars twinkling .. When we enter the cafe, there was already a live performance by a group of 4 ppl (vocals, violin, guitar) .. Their vocal so nice and the projection so good .. I only remember got play Jason Mraz's song .. forgot about other songs that they had played... And here's a photo of what we ate ..
After dinner, we went to shoo ling's room and watched Discovery Channel .. ( pien.. nothing else to do) .. There was once a time when a bee flew inside the room .. They all were so scared when i told them it flew inside..haha.. so i tried to hit the bee out of the room.. Who knows that in the end i killed it .. XD .. Then shoo ling thanked me for saving her life (omg?.. like a bee like that will kill u?) .. ZzZz .. The thing i dunno why LJH prefer loneliness.. so i kolien him and followed him to his room .. There we saw chee xiung and yung hung .. They asked me if brian had already we went to check on him .. BACK TO MY ROOM... we all watched a crocodile movie (which i think is lame) .. yung hung and chee xiung reacted the most when they see the cute dog in the movie got killed (both of them reacted the most throughout the movie .. swt) .. lol .. after that.. we watch Snakes On Plane (which we laughed) ... so funny the ending..XD .. We waited in other room with the birthday cake ready to surprise the birthday girl .. So that is the end of day 1 ..
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