Well, wanna talk about the title for today ..
Yesterday was really great i think , spent some times with old classmates (primary school classmates) .. We had our reunion at McD beside Tun Jugah there around 4 pm ..
It was great to see most of them again after 5 years .. Some of them changed abit while some of them still have the same look .. So sad for Pei Yao who can't recognize and remember anyone of them (not all but 90% of them who attended the reunion).. LOL .. But for me, i only started recognize them after 1 hr seeing them.. lol .. (Not bad la, at least still can remember) ..
After eating and chit-chatting , we took photos and exchange contacts .. Well, i dont have the photos since i'm not the one taking it..LOL.. so tick-tock *time flies* .. 8 of the guys including me went to star to watch avatar (actually i dont want watch avatar but since everyone else wants so i was forced to watch) .. XD .. The cinema was VERY empty .. lol .. Well, it's been a while since i last stepped inside star .. Ever since the opening of MBO @ the spring, i nvr went to star after that ..
So, the movie was really great .. I dunno how to describe it but i only can say 'u'll have to watch it yourself to know how awesome it is' .. This is the preview for that movie .. i'd give it a 8.5 /10 rating .. Was pretty stiff after the movie finished cuz had been sitting there for like about 2 hr 45 minutes .. That's a pretty long movie and an enjoyable one too .. LOL ..
After the movie, before everyone leaves, we all shacked hands and hugged strongly (we not gay ok?? just a friendly hug) ... Hope we'll meet again next time and hoped that the next reunion will have more ppl attending .. Therefore, we can be reunited once again ..